Primary subject clusters
The successful primary subject clusters, led by expert subject practitioners from across both primary and secondary phases in Cornwall, will continue in the academic year 2023-2024
The clusters seek to create a sustainable model of continuous improvement for both effective subject leadership and curriculum development, through the establishment of networked learning communities focused on foundation curriculum subjects.
Evidence-based research tells us that a teacher’s subject knowledge is one of the most powerful levers we have in securing the best possible outcomes for all learners. Our ambition is that these learning communities will provide an opportunity to:
- reflect on current practice within subjects;
- build confidence and expertise in subject specific content knowledge and pedagogy;
- collaboratively develop strategies for improvement that have the best chances of sustained impact.
Aimed, primarily, at primary subject leaders, these free and easily accessible networked learning communities will meet termly. Meeting content will be organised around the unique needs of each subject cluster and actions will be identified as an outcome of each meeting so that schools can then engage in collaborative work, but also share and develop a knowledge base in their own settings and across settings.
To further enhance the development of networked learning communities around each subject cluster, each has its own online forum, using a padlet where resources and information can be shared.
The meetings, to be held on the dates and times below, will be online via teams for the autumn and summer term but will be face to face in the spring term, 1.30-4.30pm venues to be confirmed.
Membership of clusters is renewable on an annual basis, so once you have signed up, you do not need to do so for further sessions in that academic year. Reminders of meeting dates will be sent out at the beginning of each term and a Teams link will be sent out prior to the meeting for those that have signed up with the agenda.
For those new to the subject clusters, attendance at the meetings will need to be booked in advance through SLA Online : SLA Online (
However, if you are already signed onto the subject SLA having attended a previous meeting, you do not need to do this again, simply let the school effectiveness team know via email that you are attending.
Dates for the 2024-25 academic year will appear here.