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Cornwall School Effectiveness service

Belonging framework

Parent Carer engagement framework

The Parent Carer engagement framework will be free to schools from September 2024.









Parent Carer Engagement Framework

Effective parental engagement is a crucial ingredient in both academic and social success, especially for our most vulnerable pupils. Cornwall Council’s Together for Families Directorate, supported by Parent Carer Cornwall, have developed a framework and toolkit to promote the partnership between pupils, parents, and school to help create a culture of mutual collaboration to support all learners to succeed.

The offer

Education settings can access the Framework through services for schools

A two-year programme.

  • The first year is the foundation year where education settings can work with a member of the school effectiveness to support the action planning and delivery phase of the programme. There is also an opportunity to purchase a one-off training session for staff to support a whole school approach to parental engagement for an additional cost of £100.
  • In the second year of the programme schools produce a case study that demonstrates evidence of impact of the parental engagement work. Through a quality assurance visit from school effectiveness (additional cost of £100) and ratification of the case study a Certificate of Recognition is awarded if the parental engagement principles have been met.


Onen hag oll groups (formerly - area disadvantaged groups)

Communities of practice

Effective collaboration across the educational landscape is central to the recent White Paper, Opportunity for All.  The Government’s ‘Area Based Approach’ outlined within the White Paper has made this an even greater priority for our region given its status as an Education Investment Area.  Effective collaboration to ensure the best outcomes for our most vulnerable and disadvantaged learners will also support schools within multi academy trusts to ensure they meet the Government’s expectations of what constitutes a ‘strong trust’, as defined within the White Paper. Together we can work towards improving educational attainment and narrow the gap, predominantly for our most disadvantaged children in Key Stage 2 particularly in reading, writing and maths and achieve Local Authority’s priority that children in Cornwall enjoy, learn and achieve.

As you are probably already aware, the Onen Hag Oll groups, which build on the work of our original Area Disadvantage Groups, continue to be a key platform for effective collaboration across the educational landscape. We have already established a networked learning community that focusses on developing evidence-based, high-quality curriculum and teaching and learning practices. If you have not already taken part, we would invite you to join this important collaborative response to the core educational challenges we face across the Duchy.

Outcomes so far include:-

  • National and regional perspective on closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils
  • Evidence-informed collaboration at a local and strategic level
  • Local contextualisation of evidence
  • Shared effective implementation
  • Detailed evaluation of impact and outcomes.

We appreciate that collaboration is already happening between academies within MATS and between some schools in local partnerships, however the Onen Hag Oll groups offer a unique opportunity to bring together settings of any size and status with a view to generous collegiate response to shared challenges.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Places are limited to 30 so booking will be on a first come first serve basis.

Attendance at the meetings will need to be booked in advance through SLA Online Please see the course codes below to search or the name of the course. Click on the course and then Make a Booking. As this is a free course it will not need to be checked out of the shopping basket.

Further details of this terms meetings will appear here.