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About CACE

With the two remaining Trusts committed to joining next September, CACE now represents all the CEOs leading educational Trusts in Cornwall alongside the Local Authority and a representative for independent schools.  We are now looking for ways to further represent the leaders of Single Academy Trusts, Nursery and Pre-School settings. 

We firmly believe that by working in such close collaboration we are able to benefit our community much more than working in fractured groups and, to this end, we have now set up six network groups for those working in similar roles across Cornwall covering themes such as; SEND, Safeguarding, Finance and Attendance. 

Core Objectives 

The core objectives of CACE are reviewed and updated each year by members. 

These are:

  • To work together to provide world-class education for all young people in Cornwall.
  • To sustain the Trust of Cornish School's CEOs, to act as their collective representative.
  • To advocate for the needs of young people and the local services which support them.

Wider Purpose and Values


  • To enable and encourage meaningful collaboration between the CEOs of Multi Academy Trusts for the benefit of all young people in Cornwall. 
  • To provide an information and support network for CEOs through regular meetings.
  • To gain the trust and confidence of Cornish CEOs in order to act as their representative and develop policy statements that allow CACE to represent their collective views on matters of shared importance.
  • To advocate for the rights of young people and staff at regional and national level, including providing system leadership and scrutiny of policy changes,
  • To offer solutions to encourage, challenge, or stimulate innovation.
  • To regularly review the provision of local services on behalf of young people and, where necessary, collaborating to provide shared services and solutions.
  • To maintain strong links with the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC), Local Authority (LA), Cornwall Association of Secondary Heads (CASH), Cornwall Association of Primary Heads (CAPH), all schools and education providers, to ensure services for children are coherent, and professional networks remain inclusive for the benefit of all young people and education staff in Cornwall, so we are able to collectively build capacity.
  • To develop a new collective education system of national importance which informs the next stage of government policy.


  • To achieve the goals highlighted above, CACE believes in the following values and principles:
  • To actively support the 7 Nolan principles of public life: 1. Selflessness, 2. Integrity, 3. Objectivity, 4. Accountability, 5. Openness, 6. Honesty and 7. Leadership.
  • To always work for the common good of all pupils and staff.
  • To put aside personal ambition in order to create and sustain genuine collegiate partnership between Trusts and learning organisations in Cornwall.
  • To understand and value the importance of reliably identifying and sharing strategies for supporting the mental health and well-being of staff and pupils.
  • To nurture and encourage leadership at every level within every Trust: a system-wide view of our responsibility to continuously build leadership capacity.
  • Confidentiality and cabinet principle: To be able to share, in confidence, ideas, worries, solutions, challenges and impassioned debate to arrive at collective agreements which the whole group publicly support.
  • To share resources and ideas as openly and generously as possible, recognising their origins and authors in the interest of developing and keeping local talent.
  • To embrace and value change and reflective continuous improvement ensuring that we keep what works and replace what doesn’t.
  • To deliver effectively all compliance, GDPR, safeguarding, and safety policies.
  • To value professional knowledge and question deeply in order to maximise the impact of available research on the cost-effective delivery of our aims.
  • To advocate strongly for young people and the value of education.