Cornwall Association of Secondary Headteachers
CASH, the Cornwall Association of Secondary Headteachers, is a membership organisation that represents publicly funded secondary schools in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly teaching Key Stages 3 and 4 (11 -16 year old children) and post 16 where those schools have a Sixth Form. The county's four special schools and Alternative Provision Academies across the county are also members of CASH.
CASH is run by heads for heads. We provide professional support to headteachers and school leaders with the aim of improving school outcomes for all young people in Cornwall.
Effective communication, dialogue and trust between colleagues lies at the heart of CASH. We act as an organisation to represent the views of headteachers in discussing issues of mutual interest with the officers and elected members of Cornwall Council, the county's six MPs and other groups including the media.
Chair of CASH
Dom Wilkes
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